Get your message out to the rest of the world by placing your web site on one of our high-speed high-tech servers

    Key Benefits:

    • Flat-fee pricing
    • Comprehensive web-hosting services
    • Security
    • Fast and efficient service
    • Competitive pricing

Speednet Web Hosting Pricing (World wide)


Establishment Rate*

Monthly Rate*

Commercial web-site (up to 400 megabytes) Unlimitted Data Transfer $33.00 From $33.00pm

Speednet can assist you in all aspects of presenting your business or organisation on the World Wide Web and have you fully up and running in just a few days. We can register your domain name with an accredited domain names registrar, in addition to hosting your name on our primary and secondary DNS servers.

Please contact our support staff on (02) 9570 9900 for more information about these services.

Speednet Domain Name Pricing (World wide)

Establishment Rate*
Registration Rate*
Domain Name Registrations No Charge From $55.00 (Per Year)
Re-delegation of existing domain name No Charge $55.00
Domain Name Hosting No Charge $5.50 (per month per domain)
Virtual email address No Charge $5.50 (per month per address)
Mail Box 500 Megs No Charge $5.50 (per month per box)

* includes 10% GST AUD. 


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